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The Musicals



Czech lyrics: Gabriela Osvaldová

Music: Ondřej Soukup

From an original synopsis by Jiří Hubač

English lyrics: George C. Harvilla


An impressive musical assessed by the public and critics alike as one of the best original Czech works in this genre.


Premiered in 2000 it continues to run with over 1,000 performances so far in Prague, 75 in Slovakia, and an invitation to the International Festival of Musical Theatre in Cardiff in 2002 where it participated as the only non-English project. It has also been translated into Spanish (lyrics by Gabriel Sopena) and gave 30 performances on tour of Spain and Portugal with a Czech and Spanish cast in 2006.


'Joan Of Arc' has a cast of 14. The orchestra, which could be reduced, is 12. 

Joan of Arch musical
Performance in Czech with English subtitles.

Producer: Ondřej Soukup

English Lyrics: George C. Harvilla

Engineer:  Charles T. Wegman

Recording Facility:  Courtesy of Tom and Jill Ciotti

ArtistsLisa Bouchelle, Elizabeth Synnott, Shad Olsen, Jonathan Pagano, George C. Harvilla.




  • Narrator: A mysterious figure, he drives the show, appearing in many guises - Video Master, Jester, Sir Talbot,
    Bishop Cauchon, the Duke of Burgundy.


  • Joan: A charistmatic down-to-earth young girl with a captivating charm and sense of purpose.


  • La Hire: The commander-in-chief of Joan's troops. Young, handsome and rough around the edges.


  • Raimond: A childhood friend of Joan’s - an average country boy who’ll do anything for her.


  • The Dauphin / King: An unhealthy slightly neurotic young man with no self confidence. He’s bright but acts like a child.


  • Beaudricourt: A French nobleman, commander of Vaucouleurs fortress.


  • La Tremuille: The High Chamberlain and commander of the King's army. Joan's opponent.


  • Archbishop of Rheims: Authoritarian, cold, haughty, and obstinate. He does not believe in Joan.


  • Jester: Not a caricature, as jesters are often played. He is the King's conscience. A truth spewing snake.


  • Sir Talbot: Commander of the English army. Stately, intelligent, contemptuous.


  • Bishop Cauchon: Split between being authoritarian and merciful, he’s burdened by his duty as judge.


  • Also: Executioner, Saint Margaret, Saint Catherine, Archangel Michael, Beaudricourt’s Aide, Burgundy.





Overture – the Narrator introduces the legend of Joan as she appears and sings how she first heard the voices, how no-one believed her. St Margaret, St Catherine and Archangel Michael are revealed, and they announce that God has chosen her to be the saviour of France. She’s frightened and resists their message but they persuade her and she finally accepts their sword. From that moment on she is filled with courage to complete her mission to fight for France and bring the Dauphin to the throne, and has boundless faith in God's will. Her friend Raimond sees that he’s losing her and curses the powers that are taking her away.


She journeys to the fortress at Vaucouleurs to persuade its commander Beaudricourt to give her men and arms. He and his aide mock her, however, thinking her a fool. Joan then predicts the aide’s untimely death, which promptly occurs, and she reveals classified information from the battlefield. Beaudricourt is now scared of her and sends her with a letter to the Dauphin.


The Dauphin amuses himself playing bilboquet at court, and he sees Joan as a pleasant diversion from the boredom of court life. He disguises himself but Joan discovers him, and persuades him that he is the true King of France and that she will lead him to his coronation and victory. He rejects the advice of the Archbishop and his incompetent Commander La Tremuille and proclaims the young captain La Hire as his new commander.


Joan and La Hire set out for Orleans where the army is tired and demoralised. She persuades them that they will be victorious, and calls them to prayer and to confess their sins. They follow her lead and La Hire is impressed. They go on to defeat the English army whose leader Sir Talbot vows revenge.


After this glorious victory La Hire confesses his love for Joan. Joan sings about knowing what it is to love, and how difficult it is to renounce love - because her voices told her “No!” She ends her song in La Hire's arms.





The Narrator presents a symbolic acoustic battle as the French list their famous victories, and the English leave defeated. The solitary Joan calls out for her voices, but the heavens are empty and silent.


At the Dauphin’s seat in Tours the Jester sings about the envy and ingratitude of the powers that be. Joan and La Hire enter telling the Dauphin that he can now be crowned. The future King proclaims her the Maiden of the Lilies and promises her a long and happy life, but Joan’s voices tell her she’ll live no more than a year. La Hire tells her not to put her trust in voices and again confesses his love for her.


In Rheims the Dauphin is annointed and declared King Charles VII. The Archbishop and La Tremuille fear Joan’s popularity with the people – she has completed her mission and they plot against her. Joan and La Hire try to persuade the King to march to Paris, but instead he listens to the plotters and signs a treaty with the Duke of Burgundy, an ally of the English. Joan and La Hire plead further with the King who eventually relents but says they may advance no further than Copiegne.


Joan realises she’s lost the King's confidence. La Hire encourages her, more victories await her. She sings in solitude about how bitter it is to lose love, that all she is left with is a dream. Raimond comes to take Joan home but she doesn’t want to leave La Hire. He accuses her of loving La Hire more than her God.


Joan prays in the chapel with her followers who symbolically exit the stage one by one until Joan is left on her own. She senses danger, and sure enough is ambushed and captured by the soldiers of the Duke of Burgundy.


In a symbolic auction, Joan is sold to the English and imprisoned by the church tribunal. Bishop Cauchon interrogates her in her cell. He says she must deny her visions, and that only the Church can save her, but she stands her ground, hoping the King will send troops and La Hire to her rescue. But he doesn’t. Only God can save her now.


La Hire had also believed the King would save Joan and now sings of his regret at fighting for the liars who betrayed her. The only thing left for him to cherish is her love.


At the trial Bishop Cauchon tries again to persuade the wretched Joan to sign a paper renouncing her heresy, thereby saving her life. Ripping up the paper, Joan chooses death. The tribunal is satisfied.


The Executioner ties her to the stake and Joan is burned. Her soul sings in prayer - a declaration of faith.


The Executioner sings about her agonizing last moments, about finding her heart in the ashes; it would not burn.


The Narrator has reached his goal, as if he has manipulated the tale to just where he wanted it to lead to. Such is the way of the world...


As they take their bows, Joan, La Hire, and Raimond sing La Hire's song, explaining that no matter whether man kills in the name of evil or good, it is always wrong.

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